A six-month transformational group coaching mastermind, crafted for the do-it-all woman who is ready to feel balanced, purposeful and ignite their inner light, once again.

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could…

⚡️ Break free from feeling stuck, embracing new opportunities and possibilities
⚡️ Reignite your inner spark back and finally feel like yourself again
⚡️ Prioritize self-care and gain clarity with your life goals through creating the time and space you need
⚡️ Attain a renewed sense of purpose that extends beyond all the roles you play, empowering you to embrace your full potential
⚡️ Rediscover your passions and engage in activities that are meaningful to you
⚡️ Reconnect with your partner and strengthen your relationship, enjoying each other's company with renewed presence and intimacy


But right now you’re….

😩 Weighed down by never-ending to-do lists filled with uninspiring tasks
😩 Struggling to keep up with the demands of wearing too many hats
😩 Feeling disconnected from your partner and children, and missing out on the joys of family life from always carrying the mental load
😩 Dreadfully anticipating the sound of the alarm clock, and feeling overwhelmed by the thought of another busy day 
😩 Lacking the energy and motivation to pursue your passions and hobbies
😩 Trapped in the cycle of overcommitting to people and things, always saying "yes" even when it's not in your best interest

Stephanie S

“Being ok with letting go and releasing a lot of the guilt around saying "NO" has been HUGE for me."

What if things could be different…   


Imagine embarking on a six-month transformational journey with the support of a certified life coach and incredible community who is always by your side. Together, effective tools and solutions to explore and understand your true emotions, needs, and goals. 

You'll learn how to communicate effectively and set boundaries, so that you can go from feeling overwhelmed and on the brink of a breakdown, to becoming a confident and self-assured woman who knows how to advocate for herself and live a fulfilling life.

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Hey girl, I've been there….


A few years ago I was in this really tough spot. I was married, had a little one, and owned a fitness business with my now ex-husband. On the outside, everything looked perfect. But on the inside, I was feeling so burnt out and disconnected from myself. It was like I didn't even recognize the person staring back at me in the mirror.


I tried all sorts of things to find myself again, and ended up getting into endurance running. Which was a good outlet for me to think clearly and get some alone time.  It took a while, but eventually I realized that I was living for everyone else and not myself. I knew I had to make a change, but I was so scared of what others would think.


With the help of a coach and therapist, I gained the courage to ask for a divorce. It was tough, but the freedom and sense of self-love that came from trusting myself and putting myself first was incredible. I finally learned how to set boundaries, heal old wounds, and build meaningful relationships. It was such a transformative experience that it completely changed the direction of my career. I want to help as many women as possible feel that same sense of empowerment and self-discovery.

So often we're okay with being stuck in the same old patterns. As a coach, it's my job to give you the tools to unlock your own potential and break free on your own terms.

And this is WHY I developed...

How do we get these breakthroughs? I’m glad you asked! With my signature 3-step method we:


Step 1: Get crystal clear on your future vision and what it is you truly desire. Uncover and overcome the limiting beliefs and obstacles that have been holding you back from becoming the powerful, self-assured woman you long to be.


Step 2: Collaborate with me, your coach, to craft a personalized, six-month action plan that aligns with your vision and feels both realistic and achievable. This plan will guide you towards a deeper sense of wholeness and purpose.


Step 3: Take action, and receive the ongoing, tailored support you need to release the chaos and overwhelm from your life. With me by your side, you'll have the accountability, encouragement, and tools to IGNITE your inner light and reach your fullest potential.


This effective method takes you from resentful and stuck to restored and reconnected!

Program Includes:


  • Two 60-min group breakthrough calls every month
  • Coaching support between our group mastermind calls using the Voxer app 
  • A personalized copy of my 90-day BEAM Life journal 
  • VIP rate should you decide to continue with 1:1 coaching after the program
  • A private community of like-minded women
  • The transformation and clarity you’ve been waiting for! 
  • BONUS: Two 60-min 1:1 Calls 


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Brandi B

"It still amazes me how each session left me feeling inspired to chase after the life I’d dreamed of for so long!! Truly changed and forever grateful.”

Korelle C

"I have more balance in my life, feel less stressed and am getting more sleep”

Transformational Group Coaching Program


Top features

  • Two 60-min group breakthrough calls every month
  • Coaching support between our group mastermind calls using the Voxer app
  • A personalized copy of my 90-day BEAM Life journal 
  • VIP rate should you decide to continue with 1:1 coaching after the program
  • A private community of like-minded women
  • The transformation and clarity you've been waiting for!
  • BONUS: Two 60-min 1:1 Calls

I know what you’re thinking:

  • “I don’t deserve this”
  • “I have a hard time following through, and this probably won’t work for me”
  • “I don’t have the time for another thing”
  • “I shouldn’t spend this money on myself”
  • “It’s selfish to prioritize myself when my family needs me so much”

But here’s why this will be different and why now is the time…


You will not only gain access to the expertise and guidance of a certified life coach who will support you in uncovering your truths and rediscovering yourself on a deep, personal level but you will also be given a comprehensive compatibility journal to document your entire journey. This journal will serve as a valuable tool in tracking your progress, identifying patterns and triggers, and reflecting on the insights and revelations that arise during your journey. This unique combination of coaching and journaling will create an immersive and powerful experience to empower you to achieve your goals and transform your life.


Think about how powerful it will be to look back in six-months and see just how far you've come. 


Don't let another day go by without taking control of the chaos. Take the first step today and start living the life you deserve and want.


Transformational Group Coaching Program


Top features

  • Two 60-min group breakthrough calls every month
  • Coaching support between our group mastermind calls using the Voxer app
  • A personalized copy of my 90-day BEAM Life journal 
  • VIP rate should you decide to continue with 1:1 coaching after the program
  • A private community of like-minded women
  • The transformation and clarity you've been waiting for!
  • BONUS: Two 1:1 60-min Calls